Tuesday, April 19, 2011



When I started this blog a short time ago, I was anxious to spread the truth of the gospel and start the sort of conversation that would lead to that truth. If we examine the history of the church from the very beginning of time to today, we will find that the enemy of our souls has always been and is still busy. That's one of those things that most people are aware of. The thing that has caught my attention, however, is how mankind has remixed the Word of God. To be honest, I was taken aback by the extent to which human beings have gone to water down and muddy up the TRUTH.

Of course, my stance is not one of judgment because as a Christian I realize that I, too, have my part in the mess that has continued for all this time. Why? Because, to me, you are either a part of the solution or you are inactively contributing to the problem. So...... I've decided to do something that I probably should have started years ago when the questions in my mind began. I have decided to be honest about the fact that I have questions and to actively seek out the answers to those questions through further research. I'm past the point in my life where I can be content listening to what is slid across a podium at me on Sunday mornings on Wednesday nights and taking it to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Nope..... This salvation thing is eternal and I believe that as Proverbs 4:7 states,
 "Wisdom is the principal thing;
                                             therefore get wisdom:
                                              and with all thy getting get understanding."

 That's not to slight the men and women who stand before us and preach the Gospel. I am simply recognizing that, for me, there are questions that I must have the answers to. And yes, I realize that there are some things that God holds as secrets, but as a result of a little research I have realized that sometimes we are told that the answers to questions are secret or not to for us to know because the answer will mess with the twisted theology being sold.
I have also come to realize that not all things we have come to practice are founded in scripture. So, basically, since it is getting a little hard to tell when the hand prints of man end and the sacred Words of God and the practices ordained by God begin. I have resolved to embark on a personal journey to find TRUTH, because at the end of the day, I would rather be pleasing God and outside of mainstream theology, than stuck in a rut of blind sheep syndrome and never discover what is REAL.
For those of you who are concerned, let me ease your fears, I will ALWAYS believe that God (the father of Abraham), Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are REAL. That isn't going anywhere. My concern lies in the gray areas, or those areas in which the thinking and practices of this world have seeped into the church.
My assignment is to become enlightened and share what I learn by way of teaching to all of those who will hear it.
On today, April 19, 2011.... I begin this journey to shine light on truth. Will you join me?