Tuesday, July 12, 2011


As a political science major, and a philosophy minor, I am faced on an almost daily basis with questions that aren't exactly easy to answer. One question that I have found to be particularly thought provoking is this: What degree of responsibility do Christians have for fighting evil in the world? When my instructor raised this question in class a couple weeks ago, I was at a loss for words. Why? I suppose I could have given a generic answer but I don't know that there is an easy answer to that question. On one hand, I could have said we have a responsibility to pray and help those in need. In fact, I was tempted to give that as an answer but the more I considered the question, the more difficult it became to give an answer. I started asking myself questions like: Should all Christians "go green"? How should Christians approach issues like abortion or gay rights? What should we as the Body of Christ do about issues like domestic violence and child abuse? Do we have a responsibility to get involved in government? This list of questions kept growing until I came to the following conclusion: I honestly do not know the answer to all of the questions but one thing is clear. We (The Body of Christ) have a responsibility that extends beyond time spent in prayer and the ability to quote scriptures.
Feedback anyone?


  1. I agree. Neither Jesus nor the apostles spent time only in prayer. They prayed and they acted spreading God's love. As far as questions go, I think different people are going to feel differently about how involved we should be no matter what. I know it's not detailed but it's the only evident thing right now. Must take time to further review it.

  2. Different people will have different views about what should/ could be done about these questions. The problem arises when we examine these questions and decide that we have a view but do nothing with that view.

  3. Jesus spent a great deal of time in prayer...But then when directed by the Lord in prayer, He took action.

    Praying all night gave Jesus direction and wisdom to choose His apostles, and then He took action.

    Prayer is the best starting point, whereby we get direction & guidance, then it's up to us to take action based on what God spoke to us.

  4. Great blog, you're invited to check out mine if you'd like, jer2911-truth.blogspot.com

  5. Thanks guys! I enjoyed viewing your blogs. You have my prayers as you continue to be bold with the Gospel out here in cyberspace.


  6. Thanks Lloyd, I will do just that. :)
